Untitled (bingo wings) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (bingo wings) (close up) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (bingo wings) (close up) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (bingo wings) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (muffin top) heating element, curtain brocade, linen and stuffing Untitled (muffin top) heating element, curtain brocade, linen and stuffing Untitled (muffin top) heating element, curtain brocade and linen Cosy recovered vintage cosy and cast porcelain vessel Cosy recovered vintage cosy and cast porcelain vessel Cosy recovered vintage cosy and cast porcelain vessel Belt heating element, embroidered silk, linen and stuffing Belt (close up) heating element, embroidered silk, linen and stuffing Belt heating element, embroidered silk, linen and stuffing Untitled (bingo wings) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (bingo wings) (close up) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (bingo wings) (close up) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (bingo wings) heating elements, silk taffeta and upholstery fabric Untitled (muffin top) heating element, curtain brocade, linen and stuffing Untitled (muffin top) heating element, curtain brocade, linen and stuffing Untitled (muffin top) heating element, curtain brocade and linen Cosy recovered vintage cosy and cast porcelain vessel Cosy recovered vintage cosy and cast porcelain vessel Cosy recovered vintage cosy and cast porcelain vessel Belt heating element, embroidered silk, linen and stuffing Belt (close up) heating element, embroidered silk, linen and stuffing Belt heating element, embroidered silk, linen and stuffing Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)