‘introvert’ cast porcelain vessel, stainless steel and silk velvet introvert (detail) introvert (detail)cast porcelain vessel, stainless steel and silk velvet introvert cast porcelain vessel, stainless steel and silk velvet (h 142cm, including plinth x d 32cm x w 30cm) self serviceporcelain in bed tray self service (detail) self service installation at gasp gallery, portsmouth (2014) installation at gasp gallery, portsmouth (2014) blocked cast porcelain urinal and oil paint (h 10cm x d 25cm x w 13cm) blocked porcelain and oil paint (h 10cm x d 25cm x w 13cm) lady grey porcelain and tea bags lady grey (detail)porcelain and tea bags inside out cast porcelain and silk velvet inside outcast porcelain and silk velvet up to my ears in… cast porcelain spouts (h 6cm, hung at the height of my ears at 145cm x d 18cm x w 10cm) up to my ears in….. (detail)cast porcelain spouts up to my ears in… cast porcelain spouts extended jug cast porcelain jug extended jug cast porcelain jug hair line crack ceramic plate and nylon fibres (h 2cm x d 22cm x w 22cm) ‘hairline crack’broken and flocked ceramic plate cream jugs cast cream jugs with stitched taffeta cushion cream jugs (detail)porcelain and taffeta ‘introvert’ cast porcelain vessel, stainless steel and silk velvet introvert (detail) introvert (detail)cast porcelain vessel, stainless steel and silk velvet introvert cast porcelain vessel, stainless steel and silk velvet (h 142cm, including plinth x d 32cm x w 30cm) self serviceporcelain in bed tray self service (detail)self service installation at gasp gallery, portsmouth (2014) installation at gasp gallery, portsmouth (2014)blocked cast porcelain urinal and oil paint (h 10cm x d 25cm x w 13cm) blocked porcelain and oil paint (h 10cm x d 25cm x w 13cm) lady grey porcelain and tea bags lady grey (detail)porcelain and tea bags inside out cast porcelain and silk velvet inside outcast porcelain and silk velvet up to my ears in… cast porcelain spouts (h 6cm, hung at the height of my ears at 145cm x d 18cm x w 10cm) up to my ears in….. (detail)cast porcelain spouts up to my ears in… cast porcelain spouts extended jug cast porcelain jug extended jug cast porcelain jug hair line crack ceramic plate and nylon fibres (h 2cm x d 22cm x w 22cm) ‘hairline crack’broken and flocked ceramic plate cream jugs cast cream jugs with stitched taffeta cushion cream jugs (detail)porcelain and taffeta Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)